Andrea was only 15 when she was diagnosed with leukemia. Chemotherapy was necessary to save her life. But it also caused extreme joint pain. She felt ill most of the time, and was unable to attend school. Needless to say, it was a very difficult time.
In search of hope, Andrea and her family reached out to Make-A-Wish®. When asked about her wish, Andrea was very practical. She wanted relief for her joint pain, someplace for her family and friends to join her, and (hopefully) something she could enjoy for many years. So, Andrea wished for a hot tub. But she had no way of knowing what her wish would inspire.
Over 20 Years and Counting
Make-A-Wish approached Marquis®. Naturally, we were honored to help out. In fact, fulfilling Andrea’s wish inspired a partnership between Marquis and Make-A-Wish America that has endured for 20 years and counting.
Since fulfilling Andrea’s wish back in 2000, Marquis and our network of independent dealers have helped to fulfill over 900 wishes for children with critical illnesses. Including family members and friends, thousands of people have benefited from this partnership. And it all started with Andrea.
Including family members and friends, thousands of people have benefited from this partnership. And it all started with Andrea.

Cancer Free and Loving Life
Happily, thanks to her doctors, Andrea is now cancer free. She is grown up, married, and has a daughter of her own. Recently, Andrea and her husband purchased a new Marquis hot tub. Given the 20th anniversary of her wish, it was the perfect occasion to reconnect and reflect on her Make-A-Wish experience.

In Her Own Words
Marquis: “So, Andrea, what do you remember about your Make-A-Wish experience? How did your wish help you cope with your health challenges?“
Andrea: “My experience was more than I expected. Everyone at Make-A-Wish was very kind and generous. I was thrilled to learn Marquis was on board to grant my wish. Marquis was understanding of my therapy and recovery needs. Having my wish granted gave me hope and relief from the pain I was experiencing. Being 15 years old and unable to attend school, I felt very isolated. So, the hot tub not only helped with the pain I was in, but helped me socially when friends came over to soak with me. We were in that hot tub constantly!”
Marquis: “That’s wonderful. Why has hydrotherapy continued to be part of your lifestyle?“
Andrea: “It’s so nice to get into our hot tub at the end of a hectic day. It really helps to relax and rejuvenate our bodies. Most of all, I enjoy hanging out with my husband and daughter.”
“Marquis was understanding of my therapy and recovery needs. Having my wish granted gave me hope and relief from the pain I was experiencing.”
Marquis: “You and your husband recently purchased a new Marquis hot tub. Any particular reason you chose Marquis this time around?“
Andrea: “The Marquis hot tub I received from Make-A-Wish was still working when we moved out in 2014. It was an amazing hot tub, so why shop anywhere else? Plus, Marquis has well-reviewed and quality products, and provides great customer service. We appreciate that Marquis has continued to work with Make-A-Wish and fulfill other wishes just like mine.”
Marquis: “Wow, that means a lot, thank you. Many wish kids are in the process of having a wish granted this year. Do you have any advice for them?“
Andrea: “Don’t give up! Stay positive, stay strong, and believe in yourself!”
Marquis: “What a beautiful message of hope! Well, it certainly has been a privilege catching up with you. On behalf of everyone at Marquis, thank you for being such an inspiration. Before we go, is there anything you would like to express to Make-A-Wish?“
Andrea: “Thank you to Make-A-Wish for doing such a wonderful thing for so many people! Children with critical illnesses are going through one of the most horrible times in their life. It’s such an uplifting thing to do, not only for wish kids, but for their families as well. The families are going through just as much as the kids. It’s so incredible how many people and companies support or donate. Thank you to everyone that is involved!”
“It’s so incredible how many people and companies support or donate. Thank you to everyone that is involved!”
It’s a Team Effort
Over the past two decades, Marquis has been able to provide more than $7.2 million in donations and discounts to Make-A-Wish America, Make-A-Wish Canada and Make-A-Wish United Kingdom. But our investment runs a lot deeper than money.
“Make-A-Wish is woven into our company culture,” says John Schrenk, CEO of Marquis Corp. “Every wish we help to fulfill is a reminder that—first and foremost—our products help people. This gives each of us a personal sense of pride and purpose, knowing our products ease physical and mental discomfort. Especially for wish kids and their families.”
But who actually delivers and installs each spa? Our network of independent Marquis Dealers. Even though most of them are small, family-owned businesses, they frequently donate their time and labor to ensure a smooth experience. As do many local electricians and cement contractors. Local fire departments often volunteer to fill the spa with water. It truly is a heartwarming experience for everyone.

Helping to Make Every Wish Come True
Not to be forgotten are the thousands of customers each year who purchase a Marquis hot tub or Aquatic Training Vessels™ swim spa. Every purchase enables Marquis to continue supporting Make-A-Wish in its vision to make every eligible wish come true. But this may cause you to wonder, “Is there anything else I can do?”
By helping to grant a wish, you give hope to a child. Please donate at
For more information about the Marquis hot tub experience, please visit our website.